You can customize the appearance of your digital signature for use in signings. A digital signature is linked to the unique combination of first name, last name, and email address in a New Authentisign user's or contact's profile. This ensures that the electronic signature remains associated with the New Authentisign account if you are an agent, or with the real estate brokerage your agent works for if you are a buyer, seller, or other participant.
You are prompted to set up an electronic signature when you participate in a signing with a particular brokerage, either as an agent or participant; you cannot create your signature in advance. However, this is generally a one time action; after you create the signature, New Authentisign remembers it and it is reusable in future signings with this brokerage. If you sign with a different brokerage that uses New Authentisign, you will need to create a new signature, though the steps below still apply.
- You can update your e-signature any time during a future signing if need be.
- If you update your e-signature mid-way through a signing, any previous fields that you signed are automatically updated to the new e-signature.
- In your email application, open the signing invitation email and click START SIGNING.
The signing page opens in a new tab in your browser.
The User Agreement popup opens. - If you need to view the Consumer Consent Disclosure agreement, click Print/Download Consumer Consent Disclosure.
- If you need to view the Terms of Service/End User License Agreement for the use of the signing, click Print/Download TOS, EULA and Agreement Between Parties.
- Click Accept.
Note: By clicking Accept, you agree to the Consumer Consent Disclosure agreement, the TOS, EULA and Agreement Between Parties.
The signing page opens. - In the toolbar, click START.
The first signing field is highlighted. - Click the first signing field to interact with it.
If this is your first time using Authentisign, the Create your signature popup opens.
Note: If the first signing field is optional, you must click ACCEPT to open the Create Your Signature popup. - If this is not your first time using New Authentisign, in the toolbar, navigate to OPTIONS > Change Signature.
The Create your signature popup opens. - Do one of the following:
- If you need to set up your e-signature as a typed signature, do the following:
- Click the Styles tab.
- Use the Font dropdown to select the font type you need for your signature.
The signature and initials areas are updated to reflect your selection. - If you do not anticipate needing to further update your e-signature in future signings, check Remember my signature for future signings to ensure that the Create your signature popup does not automatically open in future signings.
Note: Follow Step 7 at any time during a signing to manually open the popup. - Click Set Signature.
- If you need to set your e-signature as a hand-written signature, do the following:
- Click the Draw tab.
- Use the Line and Width dropdowns to select the color and width of digital pen you need for your signature.
- Use your mouse or touchscreen device to draw your e-signature in the signature area.
- Use your mouse or touchscreen device to draw your initials in the initial area.
- If you need to correct your signature or initials, click delete
to erase either or both and then repeat steps c and/or d as needed.
- If you do not anticipate needing to further update your e-signature in future signings, check Remember my signature for future signings to ensure that the Create your signature popup does not automatically open in future signings.
Note: Follow Step 7 at any time during a signing to manually open the popup. - Click Set Signature.
- If you need to upload a pre-made image of your signature to use as your e-signature, do the following:
- Click the Upload tab.
- Drag and drop your signature image from or initials image from your device into the Signature or Initial areas.
The Create your signature popup is updated to include additional editing options. - Drag and drop the signature or initial area to fit your image.
- Use the available options if you need to rotate, resize, or adjust the contrast of your image to fit in the signature area.
- When you have added your signature and initials, click Set Signature.
Your e-signature is set up or updated.
- If you need to set up your e-signature as a typed signature, do the following: