
Disclosing a Bonus to the Selling Participant

If the listing participant or Seller wishes to offer a bonus to the selling participant, this information belongs in the Broker Remarks section of the listing.

  • If proposing a bonus in the Broker Remarks, the text's language must clarify that the offer is to the Principal Participant (Broker) of the selling office (not the agent). 

"Section 6.3 Bonuses. Should a listing participant want to offer a bonus to the selling participant, the offer shall be shown in the Broker Remarks section of the listing. Any offer of a bonus in the Broker Remarks must show that the offer is being made to the Principal Participant of the selling office and shall not state or imply that the offer is being made to the selling sales associate"

[Article I - Section 6.3 of MLS Technology, Inc. Rules & Regulations]


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