
How do I search for apartment complexes or condominiums in Realist?

The easiest tool for Apartment and Condominium searching in Realist is found within the "Land Use - Universal" field.

To enable this field in your search, select the My Search tab at the top of your search page.

  1. Once selected, click on the "Customize Search" button below the My Search tab to access the comprehensive list of available criteria fields in Realist.
  2. Here, you can either scroll through the "All Categories" section highlighted by default on the left and find the "Land Use - Universal" item in the list or you may choose the "Characteristics" section on the left and select "Land Use - Universal" from a more curated list.
  3. Once chosen, you will see it appear under your "Selected Attributes" section over to the right of the screen.
  4. Finally - choose the Apply button in the bottom right to add this field to your list of fields on the My Search Tab
  5. Now you can select Apartment/hotel or Condominium from the Land Use - Universal field and press Search to view the results.



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