The easiest tool for Apartment and Condominium searching in Realist is found within the "Land Use - Universal" field.
To enable this field in your search, select the My Search tab at the top of your search page.
- Once selected, click on the "Customize Search" button below the My Search tab to access the comprehensive list of available criteria fields in Realist.
- Here, you can either scroll through the "All Categories" section highlighted by default on the left and find the "Land Use - Universal" item in the list or you may choose the "Characteristics" section on the left and select "Land Use - Universal" from a more curated list.
- Once chosen, you will see it appear under your "Selected Attributes" section over to the right of the screen.
- Finally - choose the Apply button in the bottom right to add this field to your list of fields on the My Search Tab
- Now you can select Apartment/hotel or Condominium from the Land Use - Universal field and press Search to view the results.