
Transfer a Transaction to Another Agent

When an agent leaves your office, and your brokerage has the Transaction Transfer feature enabled, all of the files that were created under that agent are transferred to the office they just left. You may want to transfer the transactions you received to another agent, to yourself, or back to the previous agent in TransactionDesk Edition.

Before you begin

You require Super User access to transfer transactions. If you do not see Transaction Transfer in the list, either you do not have permission (you are not a super user) or your association has it set that transactions stay with the agent.


Transfer a transaction that has defaulted to you

  1. Navigate to Broker Tools broker tools icon .
    broker tools menu showing review documents, office transactions, office tasks, agents, reports, office settings, Authentisign templates, and canned notes
  2. Select Transaction Transfer. The list of transactions that have been transferred to you displays. The name of the agent the transaction was transferred from is displayed.
  3. Select (check) the transaction and click the basket icon. You can select multiple transactions provided they are to be transferred to the same person.
    transaction transfer page with 1 transaction selected
  4. Select who you want to transfer the transactions to.
    transfer transaction page with transfer to me selected
    If you select Transfer to previous agent, the transaction is transferred to the previous agent, regardless of their current brokerage.
    If you select Transfer to another agent, additional fields are displayed, where you select the office first, and then the agent.
    transaction transfer options
  5. Click Transfer. The transactions are transferred, and no longer appear in your list of transactions.
  6. Confirm the transfer by clicking Yes.

The agent receiving the transaction is sent an email confirming the transfer, and you should see a confirmation message at the top right of your page.

Transfer a transaction from someone else

  1. Navigate to Broker Tools broker tools icon .
    broker tools menu showing review documents, office transactions, office tasks, agents, reports, office settings, Authentisign templates, and canned notes
  2. Select Office Transactions
  3. Select (check) the transactions you want to transfer, and click the basket icon. You can select multiple transactions provided they are to be transferred to the same person.
  4. Select the transfer icon.
    transfer a transaction from an office highlighting the transfer icon
  5. Select who you want to transfer the transactions to.
    transaction transfer options
    If you select Transfer to me, the transaction is transferred to you.
    If you select Transfer to another agent, select the office first, and then the agent.
  6. Click Transfer.

Agents whose transactions have been transferred

Agents whose transactions have been transferred to another office receive an email from TransactionDesk Edition with a link to their transactions. They can access the transactions and download the document from the transaction.

  1. When your transaction is transferred to another office, you automatically receive an email from TransactionDesk Edition. The email includes a list of transactions that have been moved, and a link to each transaction.
    transaction transfer email
  2. To access the transaction, click the link in the email. In the above example, the transaction name is test.
    p d f  of transaction summary after transaction transfer
  3. The link downloads a PDF of the transaction. Any documents attached to the transaction are also attached to the PDF. Save the PDF and its attachments to a location you can access in future. The PDF file name is the same as the transaction name in TransactionDesk Edition.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each transaction in the list.
    • If your office has the Enable Transaction Transfer setting set to Yes, then when the agent leaves an office to go to another office, the transactions that were created while at the current office are automatically transferred to the Super User for that office location.
    • To make changes please visit our accompanying article: Configure Office Settings in TransactionDesk



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