The Speed Bar allows quick listing searches using abbreviations and shortcuts. Criteria can be entered directly into the Speed Bar or changed after running a search to narrow your results. You can also save your Speed Bar search as a shortcut to use it again in the future. The Speed Bar accepts two types of input:
Speed Bar Shorthand: A series of simple codes you enter into the Speed Bar. Matrix translates your entries into search criteria and runs the corresponding search.
Speed Bar Shortcuts: Any Matrix search that you've 'Saved As' a Speed Bar shortcut. Enter its name in the Speed Bar, and Matrix runs that saved search.
Note: Use spaces between Shorthand codes, not commas
Shorthand Examples:
- MLS Numbers: 2100699, 2100420, or 2100421
- Status: A for Active; C for Closed; P for Pending
- Property Type: RES (residential), COM (commercial), LND (vacant land), LSE (leasing)
- Street Number and Name: 123 Main (enter exact Street Name and omit Street Type)
- Street Name: Main (enter exact Street Name and omit Street Type)
- City: City name
- Price (In Thousands): $500-550 or $500+ or $500- (this is the current price for Actives; the Sales Price for Solds)
- Bedrooms and Bathrooms: 4+ (four or more bedrooms) and 3+ (three or more bathrooms)
- Approx. Square Feet: 2000+ sqft (two thousand or more sqft) or 2000-2500 sqft (two thousand to two thousand five hundred sqft)
- Agent Search: AG Brown or AG Adam Brown
- Office Search: OFF Century*
Combining Shorthand Codes - Examples:
- RES A (Residential Active listings)
- RES A 74003 (Residential Active listings in Zip Code 74003)
- RES A 74003 $400+ 2+ (Residential Active in 74003 at $400,000 or above with two or more bedrooms)